Documentary – The People Who Suspend

The People Who Suspend is a visceral, epic and untold journey into the deepest levels of body suspension experiences and intentions from personal and simple to the most death defying.

Filmed in 11 countries, this documentary launches you deep through the experiences, hearts and minds of the people who suspend all over the world.

Please check it out, share and support this amazing film project!

ThePeopleWhoSuspend #BodySuspension #HookSuspension #FleshSuspension #Suspension #ritual #riteofpassage #Documentary #freefallsuspension #ritualsuspension #LukasLarson

*Below Taken from The People Who Suspend Facebook Page*

Here it is…

The official theatrical trailer is complete, and the film is available for purchase. Visit to order your DVD and you’ll get an access code to see the film on Vimeo right away.

The DVD is loaded with bonus features and extended interviews, and all of those are being uploaded to Vimeo now, so you’ll be able to watch them in HD from any device or smart TV.

To win a free signed DVD, share this post publicly. Every 20 shares I’ll randomly select a winner. Share it as many times as you like to increase your chances of winning.

For a full update on the film check out the video I just posted on The People Who Suspend fan page and youtube.